After their return as professed Sisters of Mercy she and six companions assumed the garb of the congregation.
Raymond's cousin and companion on crusade, Count William of Cerdagne, assumed control of the operation, although matters were soon complicated.
Their companions, Juan Ortiz de Matienzo and Diego Delgadillo, assumed their authority, which was also shared by Nuño de Guzmán, who had come from his territories in the Pánuco Valley.
Once in the corridor, his companions assumed an attitude of subdued respect, and soon were whispering their intent to an eight foot hyena-man, who stood before the closed double-door entrance to what was evidently a conference room.
The Doctor's companions have assumed a variety of roles-involuntary passengers, assistants (particularly Liz Shaw), friends, and fellow adventurers; and, of course, he regularly gains new companions and loses old ones.
His companions assumed that he was furious, but unlike the rest of them, he couldn't afford to show his rage.
Not a companion as much as an alternate form assumed by Jim.
Lights flashed above each of the nine silver pods that the companions had assumed were occupied.
His companion assumed a supercilious smile as he continued to spoon stew into his face.
It gave him time to think about the risk that he and his companions had assumed when they left Europe, carrying their battle to the very streets and jungles where the 14K was strongest, with a long-established history of operating unopposed.