One companion, also concealed in a fluttering black robe, approached Tiral.
Not a single eye turned to the southwest, to the higher ground from which the companions approached.
The Knight and his companions approached and were seen, but the singing continued as if their appearance did not matter.
Alarkane and T'sinadree looked at their companion with something approaching awe, realizing now what must have happened.
My companion and I approached the pile with confusion.
Waving me back, my companion approached the fringes of the garden, his shot-gun raised before him.
Then the three companions approached the door at the end.
Tony Blackwell was in the garden of the sanitarium, painting, when his companion approached.
The villagers parted as the coroner and his companion approached.
Rumata's companion, a tall man in a black cloak, approached the officer and whispered something in his ear.