He started jogging down the track of compacted snow.
It was a long walk, and the dirty compacted snow squeaked under his feet.
The glaciers act like frozen rivers, transporting compacted snow from the interior to the ocean.
To minimize slips and falls, the floors are made of compacted snow.
Guests sleep on beds made of compacted snow and ice in sleeping bags topped with a reindeer skin.
Flakes of compacted snow lay on the blue carpet.
The roads were nightmarish, layered with compacted snow for more than half the journey, so that in the main he was driving on his nerves.
In front, where the opening to the cave bad been, was an unbroken wall of compacted snow.
In winter the horses race on compacted snow under floodlights.
The view across the compacted snow could have stretched for 60 miles, or 12, to the milky haze where ice joined sky.