The college offers Greek organizations insurance credit vouchers for performing community-service projects.
Instead, they had collected the presents, clothing and food as part of a community-service project to help a needy family.
While high schools, and even middle schools, have had a long tradition of taking part in community-service projects, such efforts have not usually been promoted in elementary school.
Our business is the outgrowth of that successful community-service project.
Forty-four colleges and universities in the state were among at least 175 schools across the nation that were recently awarded Federal grants to support community-service projects on campus.
The organizations, which cater to different sectors and aspects of the hospitality industry, all participate in community-service projects and networking events.
Resources include lesson plans, activities, community-service projects and background information.
The programs pair women with fraternity members as "big brother" and "little sister" for social and rush activities and assist in fund-raising for community-service projects.
Before-school and after-school programs for students in kindergarten through fifth grade include community-service projects as well as special events and trips.
The students are expected to engage in community-service projects.