The Harrisons, veteran environmental artists, are masters of community-oriented environmental projects.
For the last few months, the Office Labs group at Microsoft has been hard at work putting together a few community-oriented projects, and now they have one location to put them all.
Contributions to community-oriented projects showing evidence of use of personal time and resources, including charitable causes, memberships in councils, boards and clubs.
While the election of an authoritarian central government in 1979 resulted in cut-backs for local councils, it also provided a further stimulus for more community-oriented municipal projects.
Kingsley Ng (Chinese:伍韶勁, born 1980) is an interdisciplinary artist working primarily on conceptual, site-specific and community-oriented projects.
EaC critics can add films, actors, writers and directors to the EaC database causing the growth of the site data to be an interactive and community-oriented project.
During her years with the oil company, she oversaw contributions to and worked with 80 nonprofit organizations and established a variety of special community-oriented projects and programs.
"And it's a community-oriented, environmentally appropriate project with economic development possibilities."
Money raised goes towards community-oriented projects such as park improvements, traffic concerns, planning and preservation.
All give special attention to regional artists and most add community-oriented projects to the annual schedule.