Mr. Disston is still regarded with reverence in the community and his image figures prominently on a large community mural.
True Colors trains young artists to design and create community murals with social and environmental justice themes.
Sommer's book Street Art (1975) discusses "the urban community mural in the U.S.A." The community mural is created by artists in collaboration with the local community so the art reflects the local culture.
Painting the town 'green' is the aim of the Forest of Belfast project, which has so far involved over people, alongside local artists, to paint the community murals.
Students also partake in community murals and art demonstrations in local schools.
They are also puzzled that a book that is primarily focused on edgy graffiti would include large-scale community murals - many with carefully researched political and social themes that were done in close collaboration with local residents.
There is a kids stage which features workshops and performances all three days of the festival and a project for a community mural.
In others, though, you will come across bright community murals and perhaps a reggae band playing in a local park.
We also utilise our pottery painting facilities to create a community mural on the outside of our building, made up of lots of pottery tiles individually painted by members of our community.
This project was a community mural that would honor African American heroes and was named "The Wall of Respect".