In the beginning of the 21st century the local community managed to hold a weekly course in Talmud.
The community is strictly hierarchical, and managed by the village chief.
"How many disabled individuals can any community manage effectively?"
Because of this close association, the community has also managed to preserve its distinct culture and tradition.
Later, the community managed to raise a further £90,000 to get the pool covered.
"The commons" is a flexible, stable and effective approach by which communities can manage resources for the common good.
"We don't have a policy at the federal level that is helping local communities manage change."
The community managed to maintain its peak population of approximately 200 through 1960s, but a marked decline took place during that decade.
In the past few weeks, the European and international community has managed to form a very clear philosophy.
The communities manage themselves, as nomadic groups (or "tribe") did many years before.