Hubs are communications processors which allow for port-switching, similarly to switches.
The 605 also powered peripheral controllers, including the 658 disk subsystem and the 721 communications processor.
Others include modems, some form of intervening communications processor, or even the host system itself.
Rather, he was preaching a new mantra: communications processors.
Of the top ten, five used Power Architecture processors as computing elements and one used them as communications processors.
Access to external services and to Brunel University are accessed via a communications processor.
It took a while for the communications processor to lock on to Lalonde's satellite, and even then the bandwidth was reduced.
He datavised a general query/response code, and received an immediate reply from a communications net processor.
I'd like to broadcast over Guyana's net, load a message into every personal communications processor, blanket the news and entertainment companies.
"The data is located in a subroutine concealed within your communications processor."