The communications management validates the aircraft registration number and processes the message.
The processing performed on the uplink message by the communications management depends on the specific airline requirements.
Broadsystem are specialists in both database and marketing services, with additional skills in communications management.
This ground-breaking document allows for communications management and consistency throughout the project.
As a researcher, his interests include the areas of linguistics, language education, communications management, and comparative literature.
First, this is Queen's speech week, and for the government not to be properly represented is a straightforward failure of communications management.
He studied graphic communications management at Ryerson University.
Although the term "public relations" was not yet developed, some believe the history of public influence and communications management dates back to ancient civilizations.
Daniels earned a degree in communications management last April and had been pursuing a second degree in sociology.
After attaining a degree in communications management, he briefly sold vacuum cleaners door-to-door.