Windows Communication Foundation (codenamed Indigo) is a new communication subsystem to enable applications, in one machine or across multiple machines connected by a network, to communicate.
An installation need include only the components required: intertask synchronization, communication subsystems, a filesystem, extended memory management, command shell, etc.
Receiver, transmitter and a wide-angle (hemispheric or omnidirectional) antenna are the main components of a basic communication subsystem.
The communication subsystem is sized by data rate, allowable error rate, communication path length, and RF frequency.
The RSI model is envisioned as three communication subsystems that function as starting points for interpreting or enacting social system change.
Zonda has also produced communications systems and communication subsystems and for the Mexican military.
The Juno Gravity Science Investigation will probe the mass properties of Jupiter by using the communication subsystem to perform Doppler tracking.
The FPGAs are connected by a fast communication subsystem which enables the total of 64 FPGAs to be connected together in an 8 x 8 toroidal mesh.
The benchmark used in Graph500 stresses the communication subsystem of the system, instead of counting double precision floating-point.
A variant of the central, the AN/MPQ-14A, had different radar and communication subsystems, and MPQ-14 was also produced by the "Advance" and "Ultrasonic" companies.