Because of communication delays, the Medici Bank was forced to establish two groups of relatively independent subsidiary units in important cities which communicated with the head bank via mail.
I'd have thought simple communication delays would do in any planet wide institution, but that was before we figured out whatthis is.
I'm just puttering around during the communication delays.
Autonomous optical navigation was employed extensively during this period because the long communication delay prohibits Earth-based real-time commanding.
Entanglement of the computers would zero out communication delays; but it would also vastly increase the risk that the secret information of one station would become accessible to the other.
Bat would have to go to the source, which meant that he was back to the inevitable hour-long communication delays between the Belt and the Jovian system.
For example, in interplanetary communications, many times a planet or moon is the cause of contact disruption, and large distance is the cause of communication delay.
I moved my chair closer to Tara, to reduce the communication delays.
Motor delay is most common (75%) and communication delay is least common (44%).
The resulting process network exhibits deterministic behavior that does not depend on the various computation or communication delays.