Teachers should function as teams of professionals, sharing ideas and communicating frequently.
The two friends communicated frequently throughout their lives.
I will communicate frequently so you know exactly what is going on and will see that we are making enormous strides toward rebuilding our world.
These three played together as a line for the Soviet national team and frequently communicate with each other by telephone.
Communicate openly and frequently with school officials, teachers, your child, and your child's doctor.
He has been communicating frequently with Salomon executives and urging them to contact clients as well.
They frequently communicate with me when they learn that I am setting out again.
He has been a wanted man ever since, frequently communicating with the outside world and never denying a role in the robbery.
The firm also began to communicate frequently with members of the press.
In addition to his trips, Jarrah made hundreds of phone calls to her and communicated frequently by email.