Spangler himself reports that it took him some years to develop a language in which to communicate clearly the insights and experiences he had been having since childhood.
Sales Growth A group where salespersons and salesmanagers can communicate and exchange experiences.
Whorf noted that to communicate thoughts and experiences with members of a speech community speakers must use the linguistic categories of their shared language, which requires moulding experiences into the shape of language to speak them-a process called "thinking for speaking".
Interpretive planning is an initial step in the planning and design process for informal learning-based institutions like museums, zoos, science centers, nature centers, botanical gardens, heritage sites, parks and other cultural facilities where interpretation is used to communicate messages, stories, information and experiences.
In the 1970 "Terminal," which she wrote for the director Joseph Chaikin and the Open Theater, the actors' hands and feet elicited music from the surfaces they touched, words dissolved into sound, and sounds communicated emotions and experiences outside the usual range of theatrical expression.
"The Berenstains have the extraordinary ability to communicate universal experiences and uplifting messages," wrote Laurie Norton Moffatt, director of the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, Mass., which in 2003 had an exhibition on the couple's work.
In its start-up announcement, the company said that it would be an electronic meeting place for people to communicate and share experiences, adding that it would be available, well, 24/7.
"This is an important victory not just for us, but also for the billions of people around the world who use the Web to communicate and share experiences with each other," Google just announced on its blog.
This seems the case with a number of artists working the U.F.O. vein: through visual images, they can communicate mysterious experiences that, if they described them in words, would invite ridicule.
Already early on in his career he embarked upon a journey to find a new form of language to communicate new experiences.