Two thousand men spread across plain and forest with their families, sleeping in communal tents and eating at communal hearths.
Afterward, they took a place in a corner of the communal tent.
Guests can visit the colossal Uluru rock, a sacred Aboriginal site near the camp, watch television in the Dune House, a communal tent, or just lounge by the pool.
He went to bed, and she came right into his little cubicle of the communal tent and jumped him!
The Lion Camp began clearing out rocks and brush and leveling a place to set up their large, double-skinned, communal tent.
We hunkered down in the communal tent and made soup.
In fact, enough complete the journey to necessitate special visitors' accommodations in the form of mattresses laid on the ground in communal, unisex tents.
As well as your family bell tent, which comes with cooking equipment, there's a communal tent with a sofa, and barbecues with canopies in case of rain.
Displaced and fearful residents remained in large communal tents on Wednesday, while cold rain fell intermittently.
They have used them already to build communal tents, to extrude life-lines guiding them over plants, or ropes to let themselves down from one twig to another.