Heat pumps will be part of the future of heating along with communal systems.
Therefore, in 1846, a constitution was adopted which established a permanent communal system.
By the 1930s, the communal system in Amana had generated stresses which it chose not to resolve.
But now this communal system is giving way to a do-it-yourself approach that increasingly requires Americans to make their own way.
The party called for the abolition of the communal electoral system.
The Huron had an essentially communal system of land ownership.
The Iroquois had a similar communal system of land distribution.
As a result of their communal system, some would expect the Iroquois to have a culture of dependence without individuality.
In this largely communal system, the entire village lives under a common roof called the shabono.
As Bishop Hill headed for financial ruin, colonists voted to end the communal system.