The monks continued their communal existence as the faculty of a college, till that too was dissolved in 1814.
"Well, after fifty years of living a monk's life, trust me when I tell you that I can recognize the signs of a religious communal existence."
Messini began its communal existence as Nisi, a settlement placed on an island (nēsos, from which Nisi) in the extensive marshland at the mouth of the Pamisos River.
Raymond adjusts quickly, but Hugh's hard life has not prepared him for this peaceful communal existence.
Whether in its making or its contemplation, art frequently serves for the contemporary artists as a symbol of escape from numbing communal existence.
But in the cities, this communal existence no longer holds.
All the advantages brought by the West are ineffectual substitutes for the sheltering and soothing anonymity of a communal existence.
But he remembered the barracks of his childhood; the grinding communal existence just this side of the edge of bearability.
Also, as would the others of her school, T'Vrel had renounced personal possessions, and in the normal course of events, she would have been expected to live a fully communal existence, dedicated to the advancement of knowledge above all else.
The SI is also the repository for humans who upload their "personality" into a communal existence alongside the SI.