This is what most people would take to be the commonsense view.
Most of the arguments in favor of the view are based on the assumption that people's commonsense view of the mind is actually an implicit theory.
Despite this commonsense view, new judges were eventually appointed.
Although our commonsense view of the world now tells us that the brain is the seat of mind and action, the idea is remarkably new.
They frequently express the commonsense view of what is going on.
The commonsense view, grounded in this respect, is often right, in advance of the scientific evidence.
Thus were ,courageous and commonsense views silenced, without regard for First Amendment freedoms.
One takes the commonsense view of these trifles.
His theory also underwrites the commonsense view that other mammals, at least, also benefit from the priceless gift of consciousness.
The courts however take a commonsense view, rather than a philosophical view, and arrive at apportionments other than 50/50.