I am proud to fulfill my commitment to repeal it and replace it with commonsense solutions.
So we're staring down the barrel of one of those "procurement situations", where all the commonsense solutions - a company closely connected to the area?
We need commonsense solutions that create private-sector jobs and boost economic development.
House Republicans have put forth a commonsense solution to solving the debt ceiling debate, and we are sending it to the President today.
One simple, commonsense solution is a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.
It is a commonsense solution and one that should perhaps have been arrived at earlier.
Gosar is committed to finding the problems that exist and working with the American people to find commonsense solutions.
As your Congressman, I will keep working to bring both sides together to find commonsense solutions to our nation's biggest problems.
I am committed to commonsense, multi-state solutions that protect the Bay and its precious waterways.
Peter has long fought for commonsense conservative solutions to the problems our nation faces, now doing so at the GOP leadership table.