She could no longer handle even the most commonplace object.
"He was an entrepreneur who transformed his artistic ideas to commonplace objects."
She spoke directly through her poetry, favoring commonplace objects and images over large philosophical concepts.
Through the course of human history, commonplace objects have been pressed into service as weapons.
Besides the desk, a safe, and a few commonplace objects, the room had a huge fireplace, with a very large hearth.
A character talks about commonplace objects that "give you no trouble" during the day but assume a sinister noisiness at night.
Audiences clearly respond to fights in which commonplace objects, including icicles, take on lethal properties.
Still life photography usually depicts inanimate subject matter, typically commonplace objects which may be either natural or man-made.
He photographs commonplace objects that were part of the poet's daily life, bringing the viewer closer to the real Whitman.
And dupliers could obviously duplicate each other as well as more commonplace objects.