This is a list of English words which are commonly misused.
Drug education is the planned provision of information and skills relevant to living in a world where drugs are commonly misused.
The term laceration is commonly misused in reference to incisions.
In the latter sense, the term stereospecific reaction is commonly misused to mean 'highly stereoselective reaction'.
The idea has rule of thumb application in many places, but it is commonly misused.
However, currently this title is commonly misused by modern Pakistani politicians without any legitimacy.
They are also commonly misused, physically addictive, and have serious potential for overdose.
The term "social revolution" is commonly misused by those who do not have experience in the field of comparative politics.
Benzodiazepines are commonly misused and taken in combination with other drugs of abuse.
The book has been commonly misused by liberals and conservatives alike, citing it for their own ideological agendas.