They became so popular during the 1940s and 1950s for custom car enthusiasts, that "dummy" spots were commonly installed.
Drive-by downloads are almost always done through exploit vectors in commonly installed client software.
Mechanical insulation is commonly installed in industrial and commercial facilities.
The program acts as a front-end for various commonly installed libraries dealing with the supported compression formats.
They are commonly installed on rectangular drop-in bathtubs with a shower head combination.
It was commonly installed over community water wells in the days before piped water supplies.
Flushing hydrants are commonly installed at the end of dead end water lines.
This was the most commonly installed type of belt prior to legislation requiring 3-point belts, and is primarily found in older cars.
Forced air heating is probably the type most commonly installed in North America.
The biggest problem was the exit sign being hardly distinguishable from an ordinary safety lighting fixture commonly installed above doors in the past.