Two of his common sayings are "I am a veterinarian" and "I'm full of motivation!"
This profession is referenced in one of the most popular songs and common sayings about the town of Ila.
I love to take common sayings, pervert them, mutate them a little.
A common saying of xingyiquan is that "the hands do not leave the heart and the elbows do not leave the ribs."
A common saying has it that rain from a clear sky means "may kinakasal na tikbalang."
You may have heard these common sayings or beliefs before.
These beings are known as the 'Yummy', which is also used as a term for common sayings.
Several quotes from the film's lyrics became common colloquial sayings, for example, "What trouble can we stir up?"
He emphasizes his opinions with common sayings.
The following are some of the more common sayings.