Did Teg think him such a fool that he could be taken in by the most common ploy of a commander?
Most people say it was an all too common ploy to get people to vote for the current governor who is from the area.
This may be done for rhetorical reasons and is a common ploy in politics.
They will also help prevent a common ploy: a current administration's shifting costs to the next.
One of the most common ploys phantom employees like to pull is the light trick.
That made him the target of a common ploy among Romulan soldiers.
Visual mimicry is a common ploy in the animal kingdom.
Actually, donating stock is quite a common ploy in estate planning.
"It's just a common legislative ploy to allow members to have various things both ways and protect themselves politically," he said.
A common ploy to avoid such large civil judgments is to file for personal bankruptcy.