The two stars share a common proper motion and hence are probably gravitationally bound to each other.
This is an association of stars that share a common motion through space and have been claimed to be physically associated.
This system is a member of a moving group of at least nine stars that share a common motion through space.
"The sensors will measure common human motions and turn them into actions," he predicted.
All the stars of this group share a roughly common motion through space, although they are not gravitationally bound.
The two stars share a common motion through space and hence most likely form a binary star system.
The other is likely associated gravitationally with the primary, as determined by their common proper motion.
This is a set of stars that share a common motion through space, which suggests they originated together.
This relies on the fact that the stars of a cluster share a common motion through space.
The two stars show common proper motion, indicating they may be gravitationally bound.