Moved by the common impulse, they nodded to each other and turned to the trail that led to the head of the rapids.
We turned our heads, swayed by a common impulse to see the last of the Ghost.
At last with a common impulse, they slowed and stopped.
He had no way of recognizing the very common impulse of a husband to talk things over with his wife.
Presently three men left the crowd on the side- walk as if by a common impulse and crossed the street.
Rich and poor, animated by a common impulse, filled the narrow street that led to the city's southern gate.
Then, slowly, guided by a common impulse, they turned inward.
With a common impulse the multitude rose slowly up and stared into the sky.
By common impulse they turned back to regard the ball uneasily.
Swayed by a common impulse, they looked at each other.