The "macro-level" social relations refer to the social structures and common ideologies of a society.
There were strong bonds between both movements owing to their common extremely conservative ideology and solid German nationalism.
"What unites our 2m members is not proximity to the state but common values and a common ideology," he said.
So why don't a lot of us that have a common ideology join up and economize on expenses and efforts?
This did not stop them from associating together nor did it stop the spread of a vague common ideology.
Scott also felt it was important that Americans unite under a common ideology.
The following include some of the most common ideologies and philosophies within the punk subculture (in alphabetical order).
But more often the extremists are linked by a common ideology without direct ties to Al Qaeda, officials said.
The new cadres saw this common ideology as providing better overall direction than strict legal controls could.
House considers all major evaluation approaches to be based on a common ideology, liberal democracy.