To avoid this common fraud, another decree from 1618 specified that the seal was to be applied to the glass bottle itself.
The most common frauds have to do with travel, health products and office supplies.
The most common frauds and errors, however, are related to undeclared occupational pensions and undeclared earnings from public sector employ ment.
One common fraud, for example, covered circuit boards for personal computers covered by a one- or two-year warranty.
When a man of Voltaire's school has to explode a saint or a great religious hero, he says that such a person is a common human fool, or a common human fraud.
The term is most commonly used to refer to a form of securities fraud common under older corporate laws that placed a heavy emphasis upon the par value of stock.
One common fraud involving wills is page substitution, in which one or more bogus pages are inserted into an otherwise legitimate will containing the decedent's authentic signature.
The SEC issues stern warnings to investors to beware of common fraud and manipulation schemes.
One common fraud concerned false warranty claims on personal-computer circuit boards that I.B.M. sold as excess inventory or discontinued models with the agreement the boards would be scrapped.