At the time of the series' debut in 1963, the police box was still a common fixture in British cities.
They are common fixtures at planetariums, where they illustrate the local deep space out to perhaps 50 light years.
The portable or table lamp is probably the most common fixture, found in many homes and offices.
Masonry and stone chimneys are a common fixture in most homes.
In 1941, he invented and introduced the penalty flag, now a common fixture of American football.
Cell phones are a common fixture on tables at restaurants, whether the meal is for business or not.
Today, it is a common fixture at refuse dumps both along coasts and relatively far into land.
Tower cranes are a common fixture at any major construction site.
It is a common fixture in many rest areas along interstate highways.
A similar set of concerns surfaced a few years ago, when electronic mail became a common corporate fixture.