The individual, caught at the moment when passion or interest transforms common clay, can never again be thought wholly commonplace.
Why, in the issue, of what common clay was this Roman Cæsar, and how poor a thing!
A man such as he would feel a bullet through his trouser-leg more than one of common clay who cared little how his clothes looked.
Warmth, yes, for the minds of the dead are different from the common clay of their once-flesh.
It is the privilege of the original thinker to put forward ideas which are new and usually unwelcome to the common clay.
This comment was a crack in the common clay.
You are an idealist, Miss Esther; I am but common clay.
"By the Gods, would you take me for common clay?"
Some materials that have perpetual resources such as salt,stone, magnesium, and common clay were mentioned previously.
Griboyedov's characters, while typical of the period, are stamped in the really common clay of humanity.