Nor could it boast commodious houses on the hill, for no Germans or Americans would want to bother with its meager riches.
It was not a commodious house his wife and son were building, nor was it completely rainproof.
Their commodious Victorian house in Montclair quickly filled with pictures of the family vacationing there.
A "well built and commodious house" on Union Street was purchased.
He stated that it was his intention to build a more commodious house, but he could not get a site.
After 1895 the Cunninghams, who had built a more commodious house, used the cabin as a barn or a smithy.
That sounded good to Steve as he returned to his room in a corner of Tam's commodious house.
Aren't you tempted to use it and move into that commodious and very nice house behind Gavius's stall there?
It was the handsomest and most commodious house in Trenton in its day.
That was before his removal to a more commodious house on the riverside for treatment.