The committee has subpoenaed the governor's banks and creditors and has sought information about any loans he may have received from state employees or contractors.
The committee subpoenaed Chambers for early August 1948.
But the accusation that he altered his diaries once he became aware that the committee would subpoena them as evidence may be the most menacing.
The committee did not invite or subpoena Barry Bonds because it did not want him to steal the show.
Twice in recent months, the committee has subpoenaed thousands of documents relating to Mr. Hubbell from the White House.
The committee subpoenaed telegrams sent by political opponents and their operatives, including the major Chicago law firm Winston, Straw, & Shaw.
The committee also subpoenaed 11 types of records, including details of testing policies for illegal drugs since 1970 and the results, with names deleted, since 1990.
If necessary, Mr. Schumer said, the committee should subpoena the former officials to testify.
If the Justice Depart 3/4ent again refuses, the committee could subpoena any documents related to the Bernott matter.
The committee also subpoenaed three members of the Johnson Administration who had been involved in drafting the measures at issue; they invoked executive privilege and also refused to testify.