As the donations flooded in, the committee resumed work on the pedestal.
Rather than close the books and declare victory with its bare-bones package, the committee will resume closed-door deliberations on Monday.
The steering committee on refugees resumes in Geneva next month.
The committee resumed its open meeting late tonight and then approved the bill, by a vote of 18 to 2, shortly before midnight.
In 1996 a new agreement was reached and the editor's committee resumed operation.
Eventually, Mr. Helms yielded and the committee resumed work.
The committee will resume consideration at 11:00 a.m., Thursday, November 5, 2009.
Despite attempts to have the committee resume its efforts, there is still no official sign that it will do so.
The committee will resume its deliberations on Tuesday.
But when the committee resumed its work this afternoon, the Democrats had organized to argue against her changes.