But the committee insisted that riders submit to its rules, and that grated.
The committee also insisted that the riders attend the games as a team, as the skiers do.
To begin with, the committee insisted that the $14 million shelter not appear institutional, but look like part of the community.
The committee, however, coolly insisted upon a direct answer to their question.
The organizing committee insisted that it would not withdraw the logo.
The shareholders' committee had insisted at one point in the negotiations that it gain the authority to make its own appointments to Texaco's 14-member board.
To get the company back on its feet, the creditors' committee insisted on harsh medicine.
The organizing committee insisted the money will not buy special treatment or access, other than preference for inaugural tickets.
Rather than relying on goodwill the committee should insist on the evidence.
The committee insisted, however, that the drug include warnings that it might interact with some prescription medicines.