In January 1953, Li became a member of the committee assigned to draft the first constitution of the People's Republic.
In fact, joint committees with oversight duties do not command the same credibility among legislators as committees assigned to either the House or the Senate.
The committee assigned to find a new commissioner showed its first public sign of life yesterday, announcing the hiring of an executive search firm.
"It will be reviewed by the Immortal Board at the next meeting, and a committee assigned - " "When's the next meeting?"
Early in 1959 the Watkinson Committee was replaced by an interdepartmental committee assigned to co-ordinate research on the employment of older men and women.
Boston's first committee assigned was the House Constitutional and Administrative Law Committee in 1987.
On the morning of August 9, the special committee assigned to review the Presbyterial charges against Lusk was called to give report.
Now we've reduced the number of committees assigned to review an item, so that the maximum is two.
OLA has set an ambitious agenda, with committees assigned to explore such issues as housing, immigration, health care, transportation, education, recreation and government.
SES has several committees assigned to handle specific activities such as the annual conference, awards, certification, membership, publications and the web site.