The only decision the committee has acknowledged making is that it will recommend that the new teams begin play in 1998.
Although the Florida vacation funds were repaid the committee acknowledged the claim was "not an isolated incident, but represents a pattern that raises concerns."
The scientific committee acknowledged that the evidence of health risks was based on exposure to very high doses of hormones.
The committee acknowledged that some city services would suffer, but it also decided that there were few that realistically could be eliminated.
The committee acknowledges that many workers were wary of a strike ultimatum, in an industry that Moscow has always treated as vital to national security.
The committee acknowledged that the recommendations would have implications for voting rights.
The committee has acknowledged that in the current environment - i.e. the rule of unanimity - the Commission's proposal is the best way forward.
The committee has also acknowledged the principle that the broadcasting directive must on no account prevent necessary investment in new technology.
As the committee acknowledges in several references, some of the changes needed have taken place and some are in prospect.
This was the first time the committee has acknowledged giving money to an entry.