I had no money, no committed partner and my family was 3,000 miles away.
That which is forbidden with all is delicious with a committed partner.
Sasol remains a committed partner to this day, providing sponsorship for the annual youth orchestra course and its development initiatives.
Ms. Sharon was a full-blooded, committed partner at the piano.
Some people end up cheating solely on the need for approval from somebody, even though they still hold a strong attraction to their committed partner.
This cute couple might as well get married already, and then Microsoft would have little reason to go polygamist on its committed partner.
He conceded that it could not happen all at once, but said it was the consistent effort by a committed Palestinian partner that really mattered.
This person may blame their interest in the third party on their committed partner, which will lead to increased fighting and strain on the relationship.
Finally, there are also triads and larger groups of committed partners who would like to increase their family size still further.
"We really need a partner, a local committed partner, in order to commit resources," she said.