From the late 1980s there was a decision to concentrate on work with young people, in order to develop strong committed young catholic leaders.
Taffari is a progressive leader, one of the few honest and committed leaders on the continent.
New York has lost a humane, effective and committed leader.
He believed in the ideals of and served the Muslim League devotedly and always remained a committed leader.
"Our main problem was that we did not have any institution or critical mass of talented and committed leaders at the local level," Mr. Yzaguirre said.
For more than three decades, Mr. Wexner has been one of the University's most committed leaders and ardent supporters.
A committed and steadfast leader for thirty years, he worked tirelessly to further ADL's agenda.
Likewise, it is insane to compare a democratically-elected and committed leader of this country to its most deadly assailants.
Schools need "strong, committed leaders" who believe "that all students, including at-risk ones, are educable," the guide says.
But Mr. Logan and other black legislators dispute that he was not an effective or committed leader.