Other Western countries and official development assistance and bilateral commitments for the 1980-87 period totaled US$1.8 billion.
Of the projected $30 million fiber optic system proposed by the company, preliminary financial commitments totaled only $12 million.
The World Bank recommended that total commitments for 1989-90 should total US$6,700 million, with 60 per cent of the total to be provided on concessional terms.
This year its commitments to players total $274 million, and next year they should rise to $338 million, Nike said in a public filing.
In fiscal 2006, commitments to Kazakhstan totaled $130 million, with overall commitments for active projects at $648 million.
The financial commitment totals more than $150 million.
This link continued long after he had left the concert stage - a commitment totalling more than 20 years.
I would point out that, on 15 June, outstanding commitments totalled over EUR 111 billion, which is more than the European Union's annual budget.
We estimate that our commitment this year will total around EUR 245 million.
But alliance officials, who declined to be identified, said commitments by member nations totaled 6,000 troops.