A deep commitment to preservation of open space requires familiarity with the land - a sense of place.
The school's commitment to the participation in all areas of school life requires that students are members of at least two sports teams each year.
When he explains that commitments require his return to Geneva the next day, she becomes visibly upset.
My commitment to my family requires me to return on a full-time basis to Florida.
But our small size and commitment to the visitor industry requires that we give special attention to ecological issues.
Will he understand, and be able to convey, that his commitment to undo Iraq's aggression does not require immediate war?
Such commitments require confidence that the investment climate will not change at Congressional whim.
I have struggled with myself, but a commitment requires decision, which I made long ago.
Indeed, they might believe that their commitments required them to wrest Linden's powers from her.
When asked to contribute, I thought the 19-hour viewing commitment would require much fast forwarding.