Yellow card: Card shown to a player who has been cautioned ("booked") for committing certain types of fouls, or who has been ticked twice (see Tick above).
The poll also seems to suggest a growing tolerance for racial profiling - for law officers' stopping people of a specific race or ethnicity because they believe these groups are more likely to commit certain types of crimes.
A half-dozen major studies published since 1990 have shown conclusively that most imprisoned "drug offenders" have committed other types of crimes including burglary and violent crimes.
Find research on characteristics of perpetrators, including those who commit certain types of abuse or neglect.
The majority of his inventions were used to commit various types of crimes.
The Client Security Fund Commission operates the Client Security Fund, which provides compensation for clients whose attorneys committed certain types of crimes against them like theft or embezzlement.
There is also a lot of information, contrary to some of the opinions you hear, that the death penalty will dissuade a certain group of people from committing certain types of murder.
Also persons charged with committing different types of crimes (e.g. unintentional, intentional, violent, etc.) are held separately.
Perpetrators Identifies the characteristics of perpetrators, including those who commit certain types of abuse.
There may also be sub-categories of criminals committing different types of crime caused by different types of factors.