Today the Chinese Government solemnly commits itself to the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedom.
It is committed to the promotion of chess education for underserved and underrepresented populations, especially girls and at-risk youth.
He is committed to the eradication of cholera and to the promotion of public works.
The real money committed to the promotion of democracy in the Middle East is trifling.
They are committed to the promotion and protection of human rights for the Malawi.
The BBC is committed to the promotion of equality of opportunity and diversity.
ISTM is committed to the promotion of healthy and safe travel.
The aim is for companies to commit to the promotion and protection of human rights the world over.
Committed to the promotion of indigenous African welfare, it was the first fully fledged black nationalist organisation in the country.
A voluntary organisation committed to the prevention of young suicide and the promotion of mental health and well being.