Because we are committed to genuine and lasting arms reductions and to insuring full compliance, we will continue to insist that any agreement must be effectively verifiable.
The transportation sector and utilities account for more than 55 percent of all emissions; they are mainly reluctant to commit to reductions without a federal mandate.
In Buenos Aires, Kazakhstan and Argentina agreed to commit themselves to reductions.
From 2009 onwards, Formula One has committed itself to dramatic reductions in expenditure.
The United States has felt growing pressure to commit to reductions at home because it is widely perceived as the 800-pound gorilla in the global greenhouse.
Throughout last year, Mr. Bush had said he opposed the climate treaty because it would harm the economy and exempt developing countries from committing to reductions in emissions.
The government was committed to further major reductions in defence spending.
But it is a pity that the Member States did not commit themselves to similar reductions in red tape through domestic legislation.
We are committing ourselves to reductions, legally based, earlier on the table, with concrete financing that I have not seen from other parts of the developing world.