The video ends with Winehouse covering the camera with her hand as she prepares to commit infidelity.
Ludic lovers tend to view marriage as a trap and are the most likely of the love styles to commit infidelity.
Storgic lovers place much importance on commitment, and find their motivation to avoid committing infidelity is to preserve the trust between the partners.
Manic lovers will avoid committing infidelity if they fear discovery.
Indeed, many people without this genotype still have one-night stands and commit infidelity.
The two are constantly breaking up and getting back together as well as committing infidelity.
Yet none of this involved Beyoncé cursing, committing infidelity, or breaking any laws, even in character.
The role of Barbara was also the first time Erika played a mature woman who committed infidelity.
Q. What is the best response for the woman who finds out that the man in her life is committing infidelity?
The woman gets into an affair with the boss and commits infidelity.