"The document has only just come in the door," a commission spokeswoman, Clare Miles, said.
A commission spokeswoman said that a public hearing would be held later this year.
A commission spokeswoman said: "The low voter-registration rate among young people is very concerning.
Elizabeth Delaney, a commission spokeswoman, said it recently sent more than 50 warning letters.
A commission spokeswoman said the Cottages were judged not significant enough "architecturally, historically or culturally."
"We are pleased to see cooperation between the exchanges," a commission spokeswoman said.
A commission spokeswoman said the panel would consider the Mayor's request.
Those inquiries had not been acted on, a commission spokeswoman said.
Lark Anton, a commission spokeswoman, declined to give the agency's reasons.
A commission spokeswoman said the water is regularly inspected and no problems have been found.