But a sweeping staircase and other statuary elements remain, and the commission reversed its decision this spring.
However, the Italian commission didn't reverse the judge's decision to stop the bout.
She acknowledged that the commission had reversed course after "overwhelming" opposition from organized labor, state officials, more than 200 members of Congress and a sizable chunk of American business.
Ms. Jones has sued the F.C.C., but the commission has reversed itself in the Eminem case.
After lawmakers began to complain about that decision, the commission, then led by Michael K. Powell, reversed the staff decision.
The commission reversed its decision in 1953, however, adopting the Sarnoff compatible color system, which remains the industry standard today.
Soviet officials told him that the commission had reversed visa denials in 12 cases, and that many of the broad secrecy decisions were being made by over-zealous, lower-level bureaucrats.
The commission last year decided to remove Woodhull's accreditation, but reversed itself after an appeal by Dr. Jones.
Other Good News Instead, the commission overruled the Pentagon and reversed the fates of the two bases.
In 2006, the commission reversed its view on the establishment of a national council and advocated that the existing federal institutions were adequate to provide advice and research.