He was critical of the way the commission had relied on hearsay evidence, secret testimony, and that evidence of abusive interrogation had been suppressed.
The commission is relying on the Congressional Budget Office's assumption that the economy will grow by 2.3 percent a year, a figure consistent with many forecasts.
The commission makes occasional checks on pay phones but relies largely on consumer feedback.
Generally, the commission does not initiate cases, but relies on citizens to file complaints.
Sanchez said the commission relies on police reports in deciding evictions, which he estimated at one or two a year.
The commission would not receive public funding, at least not at first, and would rely on various fundraising tactics to survive.
The commission relied heavily on interest groups, including expellee organizations, to collect their sources.
To discipline cabbies, the commission has relied on its own judicial system of summonses and hearings.
The commission, they argued, relied too heavily on remote historical associations.
The commission generally relies on fleet owners to make sure that their records conform to city regulations, a practice that the audit condemned.