After the comment period expires tomorrow, the commission will reconsider the subject.
The ownership rules that the commission will reconsider restrict a newspaper from owning a TV station in the same city.
The commission then reconsiders the report after receiving additional written opinions from governments, and the report is being submitted to the General Assembly for approval.
But the court said the commission should reconsider and try to assess blame better for the delays.
The commission, which has reaffirmed the pact several times, could reconsider its position as part of the reconsideration of rates.
They said the commission could reconsider the issue and suspend the exemption if the results of trading in the market indicated that a suspension was necessary.
I urge the commission to reconsider its decision and hold a public hearing.
But the commission reconsidered the case under orders from a Federal appeals court in Washington.
In a phone interview, Mr. Tierney said that the commission was mindful of the "robust debate" about 2 Columbus Circle, but would not reconsider.
The verification form has come under so much criticism in Congress that the commission is reconsidering its inclusion in the final consent decree, agency staff members said.