Investors typically put up a minimum of $1,000, plus commissions ranging from $50 to $120, to control a futures contract in live, or fed, cattle.
He has drawn on precedents as varied as Mogul opium dens and French portrait galleries for commissions ranging from chateaus to gyms.
Dwyer's average sales range from $150,000 for a small delicatessen to well over $1 million for a restaurant, with commissions ranging from 10 to 12 percent.
Ms. Hoover said that hospitals paid the company a commission "ranging from 15 to 25 percent of the Medicaid monies collected."
Professionals charge commissions ranging from 10 to 30 percent of total sales.
COW earns commissions ranging from 2 percent to 15 percent on each transaction.
The establishments then resell the service to the public, receiving a commission, ranging from 15 to 20 percent, on each call.
For their efforts, brokers like DJM and Keen get commissions ranging from 3 percent to 7 percent on the cash they raise.
In effect, the houses act as brokers, charging the sellers commissions ranging from 5 to 15 percent, depending on the value of the piece.
Working for commissions ranging from 13 percent to 16 percent depending on seniority, they can make $150 to $200 a game, and as much as $30,000 a season.