The commission prepared the first civil rights legislation for New York state.
As such the commission prepared a preliminary draft and wrote all the reports and exposed reasons for discussion for the government.
He said the commission is preparing amendments to the public financing law, including one that would limit the amount each contributor can give to a candidate.
The commission will prepare more detailed budget estimates soon.
Meanwhile, the commission is preparing to play a more prominent role in regulating the telecommunications market.
The regulatory commission is still preparing a final environmental impact statement on the project.
He said the seven-member commission would prepare a detailed report on the legislation.
The commission was preparing to recommend seven-year guidelines for science books through the eighth grade.
He replied that the commission was preparing to open a unit to anticipate new areas of market problems.
"We thought it would be beneficial to have a bipartisan commission prepare for the President-elect a list of options on a number of issues."