The commission initially permitted the rescue aid on the condition that the amount was repaid by June 17 this year.
The commission had previously permitted such material to be broadcast late at night, on the theory that children would not be listening or watching.
Previously, the commission permitted piecemeal construction once permits for different segments were obtained.
The commission would extend that sentence to two years and permit judges to order that a year of this must be served.
The commission will permit public comment in August.
The medical commission permitted the exhumation of 31 dead bodies from the upper level.
The commission awards two licenses for each community, and each license permits a company to broadcast only four channels of television at once.
We used to ex change letters as often as her commissions permit ted.
We used to exchange letters as often as her commissions permitted.
The commission permits employers to make some "disability-based distinctions" in their health insurance coverage.